The Consejo Indigena Y Popular de Guerrero – Emiliano Zapata (CIPOG-EZ) is an indigenous political organisation based in the Costa Chica, Costa Montaña, Montaña Alta, Montaña Baja region of the state of Guerrero, Mexico, made up of Na Savi, Me´pháá, Nahua, Ñamnkué Ñoomndaa, Mestizo and Afro-descendent communities. 

The CIPOG-EZ was founded as a response to these five centuries of oppression, exploitation, and marginalisation of indigenous communities. It is currently resisting various challenges threatening its communities including neoliberal reforms, land privatisation, the entry of transnational extractive projects, land grabbing, cultural assimilation, militarisation, and in more recent years the extreme violence perpetrated by narco groups in their territories, in conjunction with the government. 

The organisation that was founded on the 10th April 2008 in the community of Emperador Cuahutemoc, by Cirino Placido Valerio, Ludovico Mosso Candia, Amador Cortes Robledo, Renato Mejía Moran, Graciela Juárez Ocampo, Roberto Juárez Ocampo, Víctor Figueroa , Agustín Barrera Cosme, Alberto Santiago Portillo and Leonor, was preceded by 20 years of political organisation under the banner of the Consejo Guerrerense 500 Años de Resistencia Indígena, Negra Y Popular, founded in 1992, to advance the struggle of its communities for autonomy and self-determination. The CG500-años was closely aligned with the Zapatista Army for National Liberation (EZLN) and formed a part of the National Indigenous Congress (CNI).